for this post i gonna talk about life.....
we start with bismillah.....
the translation of bismillah are
"In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful"
from bismillah.....
we understand that our life start in the name of Allah....
life is not something that we must live full with desire of the world but with desire of afterlife....
that mean between heaven and hell....
which one we'll choose.....
everyone one to get to heaven....
but it start not after we die,
but after our soul from luh mahfus(i don't remember the spelling) is brought down to earth
and blow it in our fragile body inside the womb of our beloved mother...
That is the kickoff of our purpose of life....
that is
- live in the name of Allah and his prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h
- searching for the blessing of Allah
- Ammal makruf nahi mungkar
- complete the five pillar of Islam
but is about expressing your feelings in the way it should be,
that is what Islam has taught us.
for me, i also have the problem of expressing my feeling....
sometimes i get emotional and sometimes happy but in the wrong ways...
is good to have feelings, what can be more human if your soul don't have feelings....
So we have to express our feeling in the correct ways, that is in islamic ways...
the Quran and Sunnah had told us how to express our feeling....
this is how life suppose to be....
express your feeling in the name of Allah
Thats about spiritual meaning for me....
now i gonna tell you about the physical meaning of Bismillah in my own view....
in the name of Allah....
in the name of Allah....
in the name of Allah....
i repeating this phrase three times...
it because to let everyone get the feeling of confident that Allah is always be with us in everything....
is like when we are taking wudhuk, we repeat washing every part of our body that necessary for wudhuk for three times.....
is because to increase our confident that our wudhuk is prefect to perform shalat....
so when we do something we have to remember that all the thing that we do is in the name of Allah
if we do everything in the name of Allah from eating to sleeping to everyday basis
we will not just get rewarded with pahala but also the taste of true Iman.....
we must remember that if you could do everything in the name of Allah, that mean we could do everything for people also....
that are my point of view...
Everything is Allah
If Allah did't give you life, how could you live......
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